my Story

Autumn Alchemy is run by myself , Meisha , out of a workshop at the bottom of our enchanted garden on the outskirts of Stroud, England.
My story –
I have been practising witchcraft since I can remember & I have always had a strong love for all things dark & spooky . I purchased my first crystal at 5 & have been obsessed ever since . I have always been the bare foot , wild haired women ,dancing under the moonlight.
I am trained in fine art, photography, beauty & massage therapy.
I suffer from a multitude of chronic illness including, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, PCOS & ADHD. This can make working incredibly difficult which is why I created autumn alchemy , so that I could create & work in my own way at my own pace . My adhd makes me extremely creative & I am forever trying new skills & mediums which why eveything we sell is so diverse . Autumn Alchemy gives me the outlet to be m creative self .
In my spare you’ll find me snuggling our 6 rabbits , drinking tea , reading, dancing to Stevie Nicks or frolicking in a forest .

My future plan is to once day open an animal rescue with partner by my side .

I hope you enjoy browsing our page
It would mean the absolute work to me to see our products in your shop , website etc .

Stay wonderful .
Love & Light